Hello again! The last few months have been quite the experience, first of all I have a new job working at Home Depot now. I'm loving the part-time, it gives me time for the second happening which is that we are starting a quilt pattern business! I have taken a few business classes and am in the midst of pulling together a business plan. We received our business license a couple weeks ago and that was a really exciting day, made it very real for us. I also approached a local quilt shop about one of the patterns I have in the works and the owner was VERY excited about it which is really encouraging.
In other news, there has been quilting happening!
I finished the last three Snapshots blocks! The truck represents my truck that I bought a year out of high school (hmm, 13 years ago now, crazy!) and I altered the picnic basket and glass to reflect my basket and the glass is a goblet with orange sherbet in it. |
This is my truck, a 1978 Chevy Scottsdale. It was my first truly-mine vehicle so is very dear to me. |
All the blocks together and how I decided I like them arranged. Now I just need to decide what color I want to use for the frames around the "photos". This was the end of February. |
In early April the guild hosted a symposium for anyone to attend and learn about quilting. I shared the joy of hexi's and had a lot of interest. It's amazing how many people have never tried English Paper Piecing. |
In May we (the guild) had the baby quilt sew-in and this is the top Sarah finished while she was there. |
I put borders on a panel that I bought at Quiltmania and worked on free-motion quilting for the day. I love how it turned out. |
Pat worked on this batik Sticks and Stones (MSQC tutorial here) and it is going to be gorgeous! |
My cousin graduated high school this year and I made her a quillow. It is the first I have made, and I learned a lot of how I will do it differently in the future. |
Is this not the most adorable cat block? I am making a donation quilt for the Blue Mountain Humane Society's Fall Fur Ball and plan on making 7 more.
I saw pictures on Facebook and tracked it down to a pattern by Carol Hughey called Scrappy Cats, which was published in the June 2014 Issue of The Quilt Life magazine. |
John and I left early for the diesel show in Abbotsford, BC this year and were able to stop at a couple quilt shops on our trip. I am super excited that I was able to pick up a couple more Row by Row license plates and even found another pin, and my collection of black and white fabrics has grown to 16 different designs. |
This is an example of the practically impossible happening. I bought the fabric for the hunter's star quilt 3 years ago at WW Sew & Vac, and when I went in on Thursday to see if they had the same fabrics, they did! The black is actually a match, I was so impressed and surprised. |
At Home Depot we held a bake sale this last week to raise money for a couple associates who are in need. Only people who work there are allowed to donate money to the cause so I made a half batch of oatmeal butterscotch cookies and they were a big hit. Even John liked them and he doesn't like sweets. |
Speaking of John, he's been working really hard to fix up a couple motorcycles. One is being made street legal and one is being fixed up to be race-ready for his father's 60th birthday present. We hope to drive down to California to deliver it to his dad before the end of summer, funds permitting. :)
I have a bit of writing to get to so I'd better get off this computer and hop over to the other. Thank you for visiting and I wish you all a happy summer of sewing!
~Brandy |
Belle is helping me create a banner for our new business, stay tuned for more information coming soon! |