Well, I'm pretty happy with myself, I just completed a project that satisfied my yearning for Christmas fabric, that need to make a Christmas something, and allowed me to practice my quilting. I found a blog that hosted a Christmas in July hop which focused on small projects that can easily be finished before Christmas. And on top of that they're offering a giveaway for making one of the projects! I was immediately drawn to the first project they showed, which is a wreath wall hanging and also their button for the hop:

After I read thru the instructions a couple times I convinced myself I needed to use the Solstice mini charm pack, so I went to Stash and bought one. And what were the odds, they were having a sale! If I was really wise, I'd have bought two... oh well! The tutorial mentions using some extra fabric for the grey and red borders, and I thought oh I should be fine, I have red and grey in my stash. As you will see, they were not the right colors, so I improvised! Also, as I was assembling the top I came to the conclusion that since I already have a Christmas wall hanging, that this would make a fabulous pillow sham. So that's what I did, and here's how mine was done differently than their tutorial:
Making my wreath have a rounded look, I chose to not take one of the greens to sacrifice for use on the inside corners, instead I figured I could use the little triangles from these outside corners |
And I did! Wasn't the easiest thing in the world, but I made it happen. |
The center created! |
Had to do the magic twist of course :) By the way, if I ever make this again, I will press the seams all towards the green (or possibly open) for stitching-in-the-ditch purposes. |
Here I was figuring out how I wanted to balance my reds and greys. The off-white has a gold sparkle on it that is really subtle but ended up matching what I chose for the backing really well. |
And here it is assembled. At the time of adding the off-white border I decided to square it up, which unfortunately brought the dimensions down to 1 3/4" instead of 2", which normally wouldn't be a problem, except that the outside border is a bunch of mini charms... so I had to fudge a little here and there. My husband pointed out that unless you're looking for it, people probably won't notice. |
To make the bow I cut out the only fusible interfacing I had and auditioned the size and placement. |
Then fused it to the back of the red. |
And sewed it on. And took it off. 4 times. Turns out I didn't know what I was doing in this case, and after a lot of trial and error that included trying to hand embroider these pieces on I figured out I needed to add some of the interfacing to the back of the top. What was happening was the fabric was bunching up like crazy as I tried to go around the bottom of the ribbon pieces and was causing really bad puckering. |
But this helped a lot! Again, if I do this project again, I will use my normal method of applique and do the whole turn inside-out after sewing the interfacing to the fabric then iron it to the top, and sew around the edge with a straight stitch. Lesson learned! |
Top complete and ready to baste and quilt. |
I follow Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt for my free motion quilting practice, which is what is up on my computer in the background. My Bernina and I are working on becoming friends again. Mostly I find she likes Aurifil thread as long as it's in the bobbin as well as is the top thread, I never had any problems with breakage in this whole project. Probably helps that I also had the tension under control. |
A snowflake centerpiece. I found while doing this that I really need the lines to follow or I end up all over the place, my hands have a greater tendency to lose control of the fabric and my stitches get all out of control. It seems so weird, but then I remind myself, that's why they make stencils! |
Here's how the quilting started out, I was so happy how well it made the wreath puff out! It helped too that I used 1/2" batting. I have heard people say that they think stippling is so overused, but I must tell you how super proud I am of myself for doing this stipple, as I said above I am not so good at not following lines, and this was all done without them! And John was super impressed with me as well, which is always nice. |
And from the front. |
Quilting complete! |
I made this as big as I could so you can see the quilting. I used Lori's tutorial on for the holly leaves, and made up the corners which is snowflake inspired (John's idea). I also went back and outlined the inside of the wreath as well as the outside of the off-white border. It often amazes me how big a difference such a simple outline can make. |
And complete! All I did was add the backing pieces to make a pillow sham, although I did have to piece together my backing pieces to make it work. |
The inside seam brought the sham down to about 14.5" x 14.5", so fit my 14" pillow form just right! |
The only thing I'm contemplating is adding a couple snap buttons to the back to help hold the overlap in place, as I discovered that 2 inches of overlap is NOT enough, you definitely want at least 5 inches. At least, if you ever plan on anyone seeing the back. Or if you want the pillow to stay inside the sham. :) |
So I hope you're inspired to get ahead on your Christmas projects as well, I am off to work on that wedding quilt for the wedding that happened over a month ago now... no more procrastinating for the rest of the year! AHAHAHAHAHA, right.
Have a great day!
Very nice finish. I haven't started thinking about Christmas yet but this is really lovely! Thanks for the comment for Pets on Quilts!
That is a really cute pillow. I have started a couple of projects for Christmas, but neither of them is quilting. Must get started on that as well.
Oh my, that's just delightful, I love the way it's turned out! The puffy wreath looks so good and you have crazy quilting skills! I love Christmas, i can't wait to get started on some Christmas crafts this year! x
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